Apply Today!
You too can become a maid, butler or other little helper that contributes to the magic needed for Cafe au Lait! Lets make new friends and spread the joy of like minded hobbies.
♡ Must be 18 years or older!
Due to liability and safety we will not accept anyone under the age of 18.
♡ Must have a reliable transportation.
Most events will be located in the greater Orlando areas.
♡ Must communicate!
Not all positions require speaking with guests however, you must maintain basic courtesy towards both guests and fellow members.
​♡ Must have a Discord.
We have dedicated discord server where all communication will occur. Interviews will also be conducted through discord.
♡ Must follow the following terms and conditions.
If accepted, you have agreed to adhere to the expectations as outline. Failure to comply with cafe protocol will result in removal from the group and any necessary legal actions if needed.
What to expect
This is a volunteer group and not a paid position. No one is paid unless someone wishes to personally tip you.
♡ Please understand we are our own separate entity. Working at our café does not count as volunteer hours towards the convention nor guarantees a free ticket unless permitted by the convention. This will be addressed prior event on case by case bases.
♡ You must provide appropriate clothing fitted for events. once graduated to official Member you will need to pay for the official uniform. You will graduate after your second successful events within the first year.
♡ There are 2 applications, one for seasonal volunteers and another for official members. Seasonal volunteers are perfect for those wanting to try out the scene. Seasonal volunteers can graduate to official members which comes with additional responsibilities and engagement. Official members contribute to the group by creating ideas/concepts for events, may partake in the hand-maid shop and help with important task needed to help run the group. Members do not need to contribute to every meetings, rehearsal, events, or etc. however engagement is needed.
Please read through everything to decide which application fits your needs. All accepted applicants will be apprentices and will be partnered with another individual to learn the ropes.
Safety Concerns
♡ Be self aware and keep us informed!
during breaks or off time, a head member must know of your whereabouts when separated from the group. We do not want something to happen to you so abide by the buddy system and be safe!
♡ Keep physical contact limited.
Inform a head if you see or experience constant misbehavior. In the case of an emergency only heads are allowed to treat/detain a person until professionals arrive. If you so choose to take action we are not responsible for whatever consequences you may receive.
♡ Identifying your persona.
For both your privacy and safety no personal information will be given or accepted by guest. Everyone is given a persona to keep your personal life private and separate from your maid/butler life. Whatever name you picked for your maid/butler persona is what everyone will address you by when in uniform. You will also address other members by their maid/butler name. You are still free to talk about hobbies and interest with guests even if you happen to "break out of character". Your persona also does not need to be so different to your true self unless you wish it to be. Be as creative or basic as you want and have fun!
What we ask
♡ Keep in touch
If you're not that active in discord you must keep in touch through social media and/or phone. No hard feelings If you no longer wish to be apart of the group or if there has been any conflicts causing issues in partaking. please don't leave us guessing. If you have committed to something until you state otherwise we will assume you have taken that responsibility. We can make any accommodations with enough notice! If you are a member and can not be active but like to still be within the group we will mark you on vacation and you can let us know when your able to return. You're free to still contribute to your best ability even if your unable to physically partake in upcoming events.
♡ Having Curtesy
We wish to avoid any negativity in our cafe so do not upset our guests or other members with meaningless affairs. Avoid topics that can cause any kind of discords and keep things professional. Any concerns with a member can be addressed by a head member outside of cafe hours. If there has been a constant or extreme conflict between multiple members, all involved will be removed from the group to avoid further conflic. If you are dating a guest or member please do not involve the group with your relationship.
♡ Self Managing
Treat everyone as equals. Avoid idolizing one guest or group over the others. If you are aware that you can not fulfill this task due to a individual or group then respectfully remove yourself from their presence. We wish to avoid favoritism to keep all guest happy. Be respectful of the guests' feelings and don't lead them on when trying to be "charming". We do not tolerate excessive flirting as it causes guest to get the wrong idea about our cafe. Kindly reject a guest if asked out and reframe from giving or taking personal information. If a guest makes you upset or feel uncomfortable excuse yourself and let us know so we can handle the situation.
Getting caught doing any of the following may result in removal of the group and any legal action needed.
♡ Causing damage to our reputation and/or partnerships will not be tolerated. Any unauthorized actions, promises and other interactions with another party or group that causes any form of sabotage will qualify as damage. We have the right to take any necessary actions to resolve said damage.
♡ Stealing and/or damaging any of the cafe's or members personal property may become a legal case if they see fit. This will be handle by the individuals involved and preferably resolved before any legal actions.
♡ "Infiltrating" to take ideas or members to join another group or cause issues with another cafe. If our group just isn't what you expected you can kindly tell us it won't work out. We refuse those within other cafe groups to avoid this exact conflicts with other groups.
♡ misleading INTRESET TO PURSUE ROMANTIC ADVANCES ON MEMBERS OR GUEST. Our group is not a dating scene. We do not tolerate those who do not respect others.
♡ Any repeated misconduct is a auto ban, Things like no shows or other lack of taking responsibilities along side causing drama, or other hostility within the group will not be tolerated. We wish to be a drama free, safe place for everyone who we can rely on one another.
Uniform & Presentation
If accepted you will be admitted as an apprentice. After graduation you will be upgraded to the official member's uniform. You may personalize your uniforms with accessories that do not restrict movement or cause any safety concerns. Comfortable shoes are advised. Here are the minimum requirements:
♡ Maids- Dress or Top/Skirt combo + apron
♡ Butlers- Button tops + Pants + tie
♡ Helpers- Maid/butler attired or business casual
may have other requirements based on the task.
Staff is expected to be presentable.
♡ One's hygiene should be upkept.
♡ Neckline and skirt length must be appropriate
for family friendly environments.
♡ Shirts must be well fitted and long enough to be tucked in and stay tucked when bending.
♡ Maintain a Positive Demeanor to provide provide thebest guest's expereience.